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The Five Borough Bicycle Club


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Quick Spin Talk

Dennis Griffin | Published on 2/19/2014

With the advent of a new season of biking it’s time to clear the air and spell out what these “Quick Spin“ rides are all about. This year we will be offering both the traditional fast paced rides as well as a QS Light group of rides that are geared to introduce riders to this more physically challenging type of ride.

If you consider yourself to be a pretty good rider who would enjoy riding in the comfort of a small (8-10) group of riders who compliment one another throughout, you are a perfect fit to join in on these rides. On a Quick Spin there is no room for hammer-heads and rabbits who ride ahead of everyone else. The speed of each ride generally is what the group wants it to be. It’s not much faster than what the slowest rider in the group can tolerate. Fact is no one is left behind. Rather, occasional compressions are made to keep everyone together. Lead riders differ throughout each ride. Often times a revolving pace line is maintained and each rider takes a turn at being a leader. We usually finish at an earlier time. Very rarely does the sun go down on a QS ride! 

For most intermediate type riders these rides are doable. In fact most participants are surprised and pleased that a 60+ mile ride can be so enjoyable and “easy”. For those a bit leery of their abilities there is additional relief knowing that quite often you will be adjacent to public transportation (Metro North & LIRR) as you ride. The safety net of using the MTA Bike Pass can be a welcome option. 

There is no Point/Drop/Sweep used on the traditional QS. There is limited use of P/D/S on the Light QS rides. Riding long distances in a group we generally ride together and turn together. Joining in on any QS ride is a great way to enhance your biking experience. 

Our leaders are experienced, friendly, understanding but determined to provide a good and safe journey. Finally and most importantly you’ll find the other riders to have great dispositions and cooperative skills to really make the day enjoyable. Lastly none of these Quick Spins require a long time commitment. These are all Day rides and don’t demand a weekly or monthly attendance.

Just look over our Day Ride calendar, pick out a ride and…join!

Hope to see you on the road !