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The Five Borough Bicycle Club


HomeStanding Rules

I. Coordinators

The Club shall have a series of non-elected Coordinators who shall serve as the executives responsible for certain of the Club’s administration, operations and functions.  The Coordinators shall be appointed by the President subject to approval by the Executive Board.  The number of Coordinators and the responsibility of the Coordinators may be changed from time to time by the Executive Board.   Each Coordinator shall be deemed the Executive responsible for the matters within their respective purview.  Coordinators shall submit a brief monthly report summarizing issues and activities. The title, powers, responsibilities and duties of the positions shall be as follows:

  • The Program Coordinator shall coordinate the Membership meetings and programs of education and entertainment for the Membership.
  • The Bicycle Course Coordinator shall oversee and schedule repair courses and other courses pertaining to the purchasing, maintenance or operation of a bicycle and shall assure that the courses are communicated to the Membership.
  • The Weekend Trips Coordinator shall plan, schedule, budget, oversee and implement a series of weekend trips to be offered to the Membership. 
  • The Communications/Public Relations Coordinator shall publicize and promote Club activities, day trips, weekend trips, programs, repair or other educational courses, Membership meetings, special activities of the Club, summaries of the actions of the Board, and articles of interest to the Membership, represent the Club with the media and other outside institutions and organizations as needed, assist in the Club’s use of social media and shall advise the Club on the public relations implications of Club activities and policies.
  • The Special Events Coordinator shall be responsible for the oversight and coordination of the Club’s special events, fund raisers and rides that are not within the scope of regular day trips or weekend trips.
  • The Advocacy Coordinator shall coordinate the Club’s position on matters of public policy regarding issues of concern within the bicycle community.
  • The Website Coordinator shall maintain and coordinate the publication of information on the Club’s website.


II. Leadership

  • In order to become a leader, a co-leader must lead at least three day trips, at least one of which is initiated by the co-leader.
  • In order to lead a weekend trip, a leader must previously have led two day trips (as a leader, not as a co-leader), and be designated a weekend trip leader by the Weekend Trip Coordinator.
  • The leaders will be notified in the event that a specific leader’s leadership privileges are revoked.
  • A roster of all leaders and co-leaders will be maintained and made available to all leaders..
  • The leadership training course shall follow a curriculum that shall be periodically reviewed and updated by the Leadership Coordinator and reviewed by the Executive Board.


III. Club Rides and Events

  • To constitute a Club ride open to the public, a trip must be presented to and accepted by the Day or Weekend Trips Coordinator, and published by the Club.
  • Leaders may organize Club scouting rides that are not published.
  • To constitute a Club event other than routine membership or similar meetings, the event must be presented to and accepted by the Executive Board. The event’s proposed budget must also be submitted to and approved by the Executive Board.
  • In order to drive a van for a Club-sponsored event or trip, members must be van certified according to procedures established by the Executive Board.


IV. Weekend Trips

  • Weekend trip leaders will be assigned by the Weekend Trip Coordinator or in the absence of a weekend Trip Coordinator by the Board or the Board’s designee.


V. Ride Leader Award Program

  1. The program has three tiers of awards:
    1. Tier 1 - Ride leaders who lead five or more day trips in one fiscal year are awarded a paid membership in the 5BBC for the following year.
    2. Tier 2 - Leaders who lead ten or more day trips in one fiscal year will be awarded a paid membership for the following year, plus a 5BBC award certificate worth $75.
    3. Tier 3 - Leaders who lead fifteen or more day trips in one fiscal year will be awarded a paid membership for the following year, plus a 5BBC award certificate worth $135.
  2. Leaders eligible for awards will be notified as soon as reasonably possible within the first two months of the following fiscal year.  Award recipients must redeem their awards before the end of that fiscal year.
  3. Program Rules
    1. For award purposes, ride leadership is defined as a substantive contribution to managing the ride. Such contributions include riding point or sweep, providing on-going announcements regarding the ride’s agenda, safety issues or tour highlights, or providing significant mechanical or medical assistance. Going to a meeting place to cancel a ride does not qualify. Occasional or incidental remarks or anecdotes to the group do not qualify.
    2. Weekend trip leaders receive credit for each day of a weekend trip they lead.
  4. Awards may be redeemed:
    1. As 5BBC merchandise or services, such as jerseys, patches, or as payment towards weekend trips or other events.
    2. As reimbursement for purchases in 5BBC affiliated bike shops. Requests for such reimbursements must be accompanied by sales receipts.
    3. As a combination of the above two methods.


VI. Bicycle Courses

  • Bicycle courses shall be under the direction of the Bicycle Course Coordinator who may utilize resources either internal to the Club or external to the Club.  In the absence of a Bicycle Course Coordinator such activity may be coordinated by the Board or the Board’s designee.


VII. Membership

  • The membership year shall be determined by the Executive Board.
  • All membership meetings shall be open to the public.
  • All membership meetings shall be announced to the membership in advance.

VIII. Budget and Finance

  1. The following accounts shall be supported by membership dues and merchandise sales:
    1. Administration
    2. Bike Courses
    3. Day Trips
    4. Leadership Training
    5. Membership
    6. Newsletter/Social Media
    7. Programs
  2. All other accounts, including the following, shall be designed to be self-supporting:
    1. Special Events
    2. Weekend Trips
  3. A draft budget for the upcoming fiscal year shall be prepared and submitted for consideration by the Executive Board by early September.
  4. All changes in membership dues shall be communicated to the membership.
  5. No person shall enter into any contract or execute any financial instrument in the name of or on behalf of the Club without express authority from the Executive Board.
  6. No member, officer, director or agent of the Club shall be held liable, financially or otherwise, for the acts or failure to act of any other member, officer, director or agent of the Club. Membership in the Club will not constitute a partnership for any purpose.

IX. Cash Policies

  • 5BBC expenses shall be paid through the Club’s checking account. Routine expenses shall be reviewed and approved by the Treasurer except for material expenses incurred by the Treasurer.  Material expenses incurred by the Treasurer shall be reviewed and approved by either the President or the Vice-President.  Extraordinary expenses shall also be subject to review and approval by the Executive Board.
  • Check requests shall be made preferably via a Request for Payment (RFP) form to the Treasurer.  Requests shall be accompanied with supporting documentation such as receipts, invoices and/or contract proposals.
  • Cash advances for anticipated expenses may be provided, subject to the Treasurer’s approval. Such cash advances will be recorded as personal loans from the 5BBC until receipts for the expenses are submitted.
  • Checks written against the club account for amounts over $3,000.00 shall require two signatories.