Restaurants serving the food of Bhutan are few and far between in New York. We’re going to check out Zhego, a restaurant that opened in early 2023, for some food from the Himalayas.
Some dishes are spicy and some are not. They have several vegetarian dishes, as well as non-vegetarian dishes. The indoor dining area is tiny, so some, possibly all, of the 5BBC riders will need to sit in the restaurant’s outdoor tables on the sidewalk.
Zhego has received some very good reviews from the likes of Grub Street (https://www.grubstreet.com/2023/03/zhego-bhutanese-food-woodside-queens.html), the New Yorker (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/05/15/zhego-sonam-tobden-jamphel-restaurant-review), and WABC-TV (https://abc7ny.com/bhutanese-food-bhutan-zhego-nyc/13808578/). And your co-leader personally checked out the restaurant as part of my sacred duty to 5BBC members. It’s a big responsibility but someone has to do it.
The cue sheet is on the 5BBC website at
Grand Army Plaza - Zhego Bhutanese Restaurant via BBP & Astoria Park (updated 4-24-24)
The Ride With GPS link is here: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45758453. I had trouble formatting RWGPS and it is not 100% accurate, but I overrode RWGPS errors in the cue sheet.
Most but not all of the ride will be on greenways and bike lanes. Please note, this will be a Moderate ride in the front and we will accommodate Happy Face pace in the back. Please try to keep at least 10 mph minimum.
As always, please come prepared with a spare tube, hydration, lights, and your helmet and always dress for the weather. April temperatures can vary.
Inclement weather will reschedule this ride. Always check your email or website the night before and early morning of the ride by 8:00 a.m.
IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT: If you are unable to attend the ride, please 'unregister' so that those on the waiting list can move up and take the slot.