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The Five Borough Bicycle Club


News / Announcements / Articles

A Tale of Two Montauks

Liz Baum | Published on 5/21/2014

My favorite book is a Tale of Two Cities, so most must know how it goes, if not go read it- it's wonderful - So anyone who did last year's Montauk and this year's Montauk, knows that what a difference a year makes. From cold wet and miserable weather, to sun drenched spring day, near perfection. For us sagging, it was much nicer, cheering our riders on, when not wet, cold and driving all day in the rain. We went from endless flats, to sitting outside having a wonderful lunch. Crossing a small bridge and watching a painter paint. From trying to keep riders warm, and having them to hurry for pizza to a happy crew enjoying a beer at the brewery. As President who will be stepping down and taking some time off from our board I wish to thank- Bill, Fritz, Dave, Ira, Phil, Ed D., Ed P., Shawn, Mike, Rudy, Dennis G., and John H. for making this event happen again, against all odds. Wanting to let you all know we need rides, as well as volunteers for summer streets, and you as members, so to all who are members keep on rolling, with the wind at your back and a tube in your pocket, helmet on head, and water, go enjoy the summer.
