Hello Members!
We are looking for volunteer members for a 5BBC table at the New York Bicycle Jumble on Saturday, May 18, at the Old Stone House, Fifth Ave & 4th St, in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Please email me (Volunteer Coordinator Eric Brooks) at volunteer@5bbc.org if you can help. Let me know what times you can help out.
I anticipate setting up a table at 9:00 a.m. and packing up by 4:00 p.m. The Jumble opens at 10:00 and we are looking for members who can staff the table and be a Club ambassador who explains the Club to people attending the Jumble.
You don't need to stay for the entire event. Let me know the approximate times you can volunteer and I will try to incorporate it in the schedule.
As the Jumble wraps up around 4:00 pm, we'll need to pack up and carry a table, banner and supplies about 2 blocks and/or load them into a car.
The Bicycle Jumble is like a giant bike flea market. Vendors come from the east coast to sell new and used bikes, new and used bicycle accessories, bike clothing and gear, and anything else bicycle-related. http://www.nybikejumble.com/. The 5BBC will have a table there and we need volunteers who will chat with people attending the Jumble, explain what the Club is, how our rides operate (from Happy Face to Quick Spin, including point-drop-sweep), highlight upcoming rides, promote club memberships and have people sign up for our mailing list. If possible, volunteers will help with minor repairs and tire inflation. This is a great opportunity to promote the Club.
Note: There may be one or more 5BBC rides to or from the Jumble. This calendar page is not an actual ride. Any rides will be listed separately. (Feel free to ride over to meet us, though.)
Please email me at volunteer@5bbc.org if you can help. Let me know what times you can help out. The sign-up schedule so far is below. Thanks!
9:00 a.m.: setup
Eric Brooks
10:00 a.m.
Eric Brooks
11:00 a.m
Eric Brooks
12 noon
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Eric Brooks
4:00 p.m.: pack up
Eric Brooks