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Brooklyn Bike Jumble -- Sell Your Cycling-Related Products
About this event
5BBC members: if you wish, you can sell cycling-related products that you no longer need at the Brooklyn Bicycle Jumble in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Capacity may be limited -- first come, first served -- but we will try to let everyone who wants to try to come and sell their stuff.
Note: The 5BBC will have another table at the Jumble where volunteers will act as Club ambassadors doing outreach to people attending the Jumble. That will be a separate table and there is a separate calendar listing to sign up to volunteer for that.
If you are signing up to sell your items, please email Allen Friedman at allan5bbc@gmail.com and let him know what time you want to be at the sales area. Capacity may be limited and space will be first come, first served.

Registration Info
Registration is required
10 Total Slots
7 Available Slot(s)
Invalid Quantity